Wednesday, June 5, 2013

SLPs care Oklahoma

here is a great opportunity to get two bundles of Teachers pay teachers materials developed by 
SLPs and to support a great cause!


One of my favorite groups is a group of four mums who have a website
And a Facebook page and yes I am a little 
Biased because I am one of the guest reviewers! 

They are also on twitter, Instagram, you tube, google plus, stumble upon and Pinterest.

The iMums – Amanda, Alison, Mary and Grace – are four mothers from different parts of the world dedicated to educating parents about the best digital stories, educational apps, fun games and technology products available for their children. We also offer the latest news in apps for kids, interesting articles, developer interviews, free apps and regular giveaways!
Founded in August 2011, the four iMums have 11 kids among them ranging in age from 1 to 17 and bring a global perspective to their app reviews with the original iMum Amanda being from Australia, Alison is in America, Grace is from Singapore and Mary is from the UK but is currently living in America.

Check them out!! You will love it!!!!

There are so many places on the web to find information!  Few of my favorites are Facebook, Pinterest and Teachers Pay Teachers.

For the SLP on a budget teachers pay teachers has many free and cheap materials that you can print and use in Therapy. and yes Many of these materials are developed by other SLPs.

many SLPs now have Facebook pages where they post their blogs, teacher pay teacher materials and reviews of apps or materials. And many times they will also have rafflecopter chances to win materials!!!!

many SLPs also post materials and activity ideas on Pinterest. Between these three sites alone a person can get lost for hours! there are many more sites out there. These are just a few to begin with.
hello! I have been wanting to do this for a long time! I'd like to make this a place to share ideas and learn about new (and old favorites of experienced SLPs) materials and apps. Sometimes we find our selves so busy that we get in a rut and use the same activities over and over because it is easy and takes less time to prepare until things settle down and we have time to get together new activities.

I find it is a lot easier to do this when someone else has done the work and can summarize activities. it helps to narrow down the possibilities and choose activities quicker so that time can be spent on really becoming familiar with the chosen activity!

I have been working in the school systems as an SLP since 1994 and have always been the one to try out new activities, materials and technology! My newest love (and that of my students) is APPs. I have used an iPad for therapy for 3 years now and love it!

My biggest concern is when I see therapists iPads and the ONLY apps on it are games like angry birds, cut the rope etc. These apps have their place in therapy if used correctly but unfortunately are usually ONLY used as a reward for students to play as a game. as an SLP you learn to adapt almost any game or app to work on the students goals! these fun games can be used as a reinforcement after a specified number of responses. every therapist should have apps that are educational in nature as well. in fact this should be the norm! Kids have access to the fun games outside of therapy anD may complain that there is nothing good at first when given a few minutes free time but that quickly ends when the iPad is put away. my kids are always happy to see the iPad come out even though very few apps are just for fun and they usually don't find them in the few minutes they get to explore as a reward. 99% of mop iPad time is educational games.

I know everyone is short on cash for these apps and materials and my goal is to tell you about apps and materials that are usually paid when they are reduced or free and to provide some opportunities to  win apps and materials!

Okay way toooo much info. Stay tuned for more this weekend! Thanks for stopping by.